Thursday, November 28, 2013

West Virginia Penitentiary

We have all heard stories about the things that go bump in the night at America's "Rock ", Alcatraz. There is another prison that could be considered right up there on the haunt scale as well.
West Virginia Penitentiary also known as Moundsville Penitentiary was built during the Civil War era in 1863. Legend of the land has it that it was built on a Native American burial ground. Across the street stands the indian spiritual mound that Moundsville took it's name from.
Moundsville Penitentiary ,although in operation for over a hundred years quickly became ranked one of America's top ten most violent prisons. This place, during it's time of operation became a virtual vortex of tortured souls and violent death.
Inmates and staff alike were hung, electrocuted,stabbed, bludgeoned, raped and tortured there. Over the years there were at least thirty six homicides. A couple of the more notable ones bear mentioning. One inmate by the name of R.D.Wall was beaten to a bloody pulp in the boiler room for supposedly snitching.
Another extremely violent death holding true to the old saying "snitches get stitches ",was that of a maintenance man accused by inmates of snitching to the guards and getting them in trouble. This unfortunate suffered the fate of being stabbed numerous times while in the vulnerable state of sitting on the toilet! (I think it's a little late for stitches for him)
From 1899 to 1959, there were ninety four men executed at the prison. Up until 1931 the preferred route to the afterlife was hanging. This method was rethought in 1931,when Frank Hyer was dropped through the trap so violently that he was decapitated. Needless to say the attending public got a gore fest that day. After that administration opted for execution in a chair they dubbed "Old Sparky",built ironically by an inmate at the prison. Nine men rode the lightning in Old Sparky after 1931.
In 1986,conditions in the prison had become so deplorable that the prisoners were wandering around the halls outside their cells with little to no supervision. The prison was infested with bugs and vermin. Bad plumbing and extreme overcrowding was contributing to disease. Over two thousand inmates were crowded together in a less than nine hundred man facility.
A terrible riot broke out in the same year. Staff and inmates were brutally murdered. Nine years later the prison was closed on the grounds of cruel and unusual punishment but the brutality and the carnage there seems to be doomed to repeat itself.
There are several paranormal hotspots in the facility. The first I will mention is a recreation (I question that term) area called The Sugar Shack. This place was a den of gambling, fighting and rape within the prison. There have been reports of full bodied, dark figures seen wandering aimlessly here. Ghostly figures have been seen in The Hole for obvious reasons and also in the Maximum Security Section. It was there that a prominent leader of The Aryan Brotherhood was stabbed to death by a cell mate. Figures have been seen here, people have heard voices and many EVPs have been recorded. There have been sightings of white mist moving from cell to cell. Outside the prison there is a circular gate that reportedly opens itself as if someone is entering.
The prison is open to the public for "ghost hunting " tours and has a haunted open house on Halloween.  Whether you are a paranormal investigator or just curious about the place, my best advice to all would be to please be respectful of those there that are eternally doing time.
Until my next haunt,yours truly, Kay Stansberry.

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